Friday, March 2, 2007


So as a relatively new "blogger", I have to tell you all that I am having so much fun with this! Thank you for reading and for your great comments via e-mail! I would love to ask you to "comment" on items/posts that you like - things you've tried, that I know what you all are enjoying! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your encouragement with this crazy adventure!


Anonymous said...

I am so enjoying this! I feel like I get to "hear your voice" in between our phone calls and emails. I'm also impressed with the discounts you have acquired from merchants whose products you are endorsing. Way to go girl!

Reading your 100 things made think of a tea you should try (if you haven't already) - Mighty Leaf. They have both green & black varieties. So far all the ones I've tried are great, but I am partial to the Vanilla Bean and Organic Earl Grey. Let me know what you think...

KR said...

Thanks for your awesome enthusiasm! I can't tell you how much it means to me! And thank you for the GREAT recommendation! I really do love tea and anything vanilla always a favorite so I can't wait to give this a try!