Thursday, March 1, 2007

Love Languages

I just finished an awesome book that embarassingly enough my mother in law gave Darling Husband and I for our 4th wedding anniversary (we are going on 7 years now). Anyhow, it's a fabulously easy read and has some really valuable information about how to love the people in your lives - most notable husbands, boyfriends and kids but I think it's really applicable to friends, etc.. too. It's called the Five Love Languages and it helps you determine how you like to be loved and how your significant others prefer to be loved. It probably comes as no suprise that I prefer "Words of Affirmation" and "Quality Time" so should you be in the mood to "love" me I hope that's helpful! You can see more at their website:

1 comment:

Just the Sous Chef said...

My Mom gave hubby and I a copy of that book when we got engaged. It is wonderful and has many wonderful "reminders". Thumbs up from me too!