Monday, April 23, 2007

Lucy's Great Lengths

My adorable Mother in law VR got me a great gift certificate to Lucy for my birthday. I'd never tried their clothes before but had heard great things about them from my friend JL so was thrilled when her gift arrived. I went last week to check out the goods and left with what is now my new favorite pair of workout pants. I got the low-rise style and it is so comfy and literally everytime I've worn them I've gotten compliments about how I look like I've lost weight...have to love that don't you? The coolest part is that Lucy makes their pants in 3 different lengths which is awesome because I always seem to have one of two problems: I look like I'm wearing floods OR my pants drag behind my 5'6" self making me wish more than ever that I was tall. Thanks to Lucy this is one problem solved!


Just the Sous Chef said...

Thanks for the tip ... I always like to lose a few pounds with out giving up Ice Cream! Plus this short, um, petite Mommy always has to pay for hemming. It would be nice not to. I am going to check them out! - TK

Anonymous said...

I have a couple t-shirts from Lucy which I love, but have yet to try out their pants so I just might have to do that now. One of my tees would be perfect for you since it is pink and says "got kids?" :)

KR said...

Love it...will have to look for that the next time I'm there!