Friday, April 27, 2007

Style Swap

As most of you know, I love Girls Nights and Girls Weekends....there is just something so refreshing about that time with friends. Last Spring I hosted a Clothing Swap Party and we had a total ball. Now, according to my very in the know friend SG who works for Hearst in NY, Biore Skincare & Cosmo Magazine are hosting a similar event in various cities around the country and has even put together a great template for how to throw your very own Style Swap! It’s a great way to “spring clean” your closet of all that stuff you don’t wear anymore, while filling it with new fashion finds and of course fun time with friends!


Just the Sous Chef said...

Sounds great, so when are you having yours?! :) -TK

KR said...

I had a feeling that question might be coming! I'll have to look at the calendar and see what I can come up with!