Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Flat Earth Apple Cinnamon Grove Fruit Crisps

I knew it wouldn't be long before I had another must-have-item to share with you all...this time it's a random goodie I found wandering the aisles at Target yesterday! However can I spend an hour and $100 there everytime I go???? I hope I'm not only the only one with this problem! :)

Anyhow, my find is called Flat Earth Apple Cinnamon Grove Fruit Crisps. They are in a potato chip looking bag and after further inspection seem to be made by Frito Lay but offer 1/2 serving of fruit in every ounce and are DELICIOUS! The twins and I nearly devoured the whole bag on the (very short) car ride home!


lovetoshop said...

I first read about these fruit crisps on Parents Magazine and saw it the next day at Target. I love them to, I also like the Peach/Mango, I think that was the flavor =)

KR said...

Yum! Thanks for letting me know!