Monday, March 19, 2007

Photo Find

It came to my attention at a recent girls night that not everyone knows about Costco's great photo store so here a Costco member you can upload your photos to their website from the comfy of home in your pj's and they will process the order and then send the finished photos to you free of charge. While I know the uploading from home aspect isn't anything new the free shipping is pretty nice. It certainly makes getting the mail more fun when I know I'll have a big shiny stack of pictures to look forward to and we can always use that money we would have spent on shipping for something fun like a new nailpolish (my favorite is Essie Ballet Slippers) or a fun drink at Starbucks.

1 comment:

Just the Sous Chef said...

BALLET SLIPPERS is my all time favorite ... and Essie polishes are the best. Now, about Costco, my hubby thinks ANYTHING Costco does is fantastic, haha!! I also like the "upload" and pick up at Costco in one hour option too! Now that is great service for the last minute procrastinator like me! :)