Friday, April 20, 2007

Calling All Moms

I oftentimes think I'm a self-help addict....I literally cannot get enough of it. Are there any books out there for that???? Anyhow, my recent favorite is a book called MotherStyles and it's an awesome book that is based on the Meyers Brigg test and helps you understand what your parenting style is and why you do the things you do. For example, I'm an EFSJ - "The Happy Together Mother" and as I've mentioned before I live with a list in my hand. The book encouraged gals like me to actually write down fun time with my kids on my list to make sure that I make time for it...sounds easy enough but somedays I actually need the reminder that that time is WAY more important than having clean clothes or milk in the fridge. Hope you'll enjoy it as much as I have.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

K, I finally had the time to check out this book and determine my style. Haven't read what it all means yet but I'm an ISTJ. I've done the Myers-Briggs testing before so I'm eager to circle back to it and see if I was evaluated in the same way...!