Saturday, April 14, 2007

For the princes and princesses in our lives

I know I should give practical gifts but it's so much more fun to give things that we would never justify buying for ourselves or our kids. Some of my favorite gifts that the twins have recieved are things that seem totally over the top for one year olds but I love having (think bathrobes, mini monogramed chairs, Lily Pulitzer bathing suits, Ugg boots, Crocs and the list goes on). Anyhow, I came across Princess Linens and think that this might just be the best of both worlds - some practical but mostly very cute things. My favorite at the moment is this Crayon Keeper which I think is so great that I almost want one myself!

1 comment:

Just the Sous Chef said...

Absolutely adorable ... and we have a 3 year old Bday party next week, hmmm, so many choices!