Friday, April 13, 2007


One of my favorite bloggers at Suburban Cupcake got me thinking this might be a fun way to kick off the weekend so enjoy! TK and SG consider yourselves tagged!

Three things that scare me:
1. Roller Coasters
2. Fear of being alone
3. The idea of not completing everything on my list of things to do before I die/living a full life

Three people that make me laugh:
1. Twin A and Twin B who laugh at one another on an hourly basis and have me cracking up alongside them despite the fact that they know what they are laughing at and I'm just laughing with them!
2. My girlfriends and the amazingly strange situations we get ourselves into
3. Adam Sandler oddly enough

Three things I hate:
1. Peppers
2. Being stood up
3. People who are insincere

Three things on my desk:
1. Picture Frames with photos of my sweeties
2. The never ending to-do list which I couldn't live without
3. A copy of "Daily Candy A to Z: An Insiders Guide to the Sweet Life" - a birthday gift from my sweet friend AG last year

Three things I’m doing right now:
1. Thinking about things to add to the above mentioned to-do list
2. Listening to the hum of the dryer
3. Trying to come up with a third thing

Three things I’d like to do before I die:
1. African Safari
2. Sit in the audience at the Oprah show
3. Design a house from the ground up

Three things I can do:
1. Type without looking at the keyboard
2. Make conversation with any and everyone
3. Walk the dog, push the double stroller, carry hot tea and talk on the phone all at once

Three things I think you should listen to:
1. Music? Are you serious? All we listen to these days are the latest CD's from Music Together the twins music class
2. U2 is always my best standby
3. Your mom

Three favorite foods:
1. CPK Salads
2. Vanilla Ice Cream with Chocolate Sauce
3. Pineapple, especially when in Hawaii

Three shows I watched as a kid:
1. Punky Brewster
2. Silver Spoons (LOVED Ricky Schroder)
3. The Facts of Life

Three things I regret:
1. Not keeping up with my Spanish more after living in Costa Rica. I was totally fluent and am not anymore. :(
2. Not being more committed to one sport in high school...instead I dabbled and am now so-so at a lot of things
3. That's it....I actually live a pretty regret free life thankfully.


Anonymous said...

Hi K, I really enjoyed your list. It's so interesting to read other people's meme's.

On an unrelated embossing note: My sister got me a really fab embosser (the Wallace style) from They have tons of styles.

KR said...

Thanks for the great tip! I can't wait to check it out although I do wonder how many embossers a girl can really have but think they are a fabulous gift!

Just the Sous Chef said...

Oh gosh, I'm tagged. I better get going! It is nice to learn more about the gal with all the fabulous tips and cute finds! Happy Friday. - TK

Shari said...

Ooh, am I the "SG" who's been tagged?? Let me see what I can do about that... ;-)